Posts Tagged ‘Suction Dredging’

Monday April 10, 2017 Oregon legislators pass SB3 which unfairly over regulates gold suction dredging. There was testimony submitted at the Senate Environment and Natural Resources Committee public hearing that shows the environmental impact of suction dredging on the environment and fish habitat is less than significant and that suction dredging also has a beneficial impact on the environment and fish habitat, scientific, peer reviewed studies were presented. This bill is designed to discourage suction dredging by placing a high financial burden on the dredger as well as restricting locations to dredge as well as other restrictions. Why is it that they don’t hear the truth, is it incompetence, is it corruption, is it the fact that they are blinded by lies? I really don’t know the answer but I can speculate. All legislation and regulation should be based on facts, scientific, peer reviewed facts and not on assumption, opinion, or conjecture. Even the opinion of a professional such as a college professor or a field biologist, may be the basis of a hypothesis, until that hypothesis is proven by science and peer reviewed is still nothing more than an opinion.

On Monday April 10, 2017 at the Senate vote there were 21 yea’s and 9 Nay’s. 9 Senators see the truth, Sen. Herman Baertschiger [R] is one of those senators that knows the truth and here is the video of his speech from April 10, 2017:


I just had to share this video. This video is from a television program out of Washington D.C. that airs weekly and it highlights the best green practices from around the World. This program is called The Inside Scoop Emerald Planet and if you go to the 30 minute mark on the video you will see that in this segment which aired on March 12, 2017 highlights small scale suction dredging as a best green practice and interviews Joseph Greene. Enjoy and please share. The entire video is great!