We are very proud to announce that we, Appalachian Prospectors have been featured on this week’s LBRYcast.


If you are not familiar with LBRY, it is a censorship proof multi media protocol. Weather you are familiar with LBRY or not we invite you to check out our channel and give us a follow here and earn 15 LBC for doing so: https://lbry.tv/$/invite/@Appalachian-Prospectors

We love LBRY, we find it far superior to YouTube. For new followers use this code: lbc-gold and earn 100LBC!

Not only did we interview the creator of the GreenMountain Gold Trap we also field tested it. We are using the 23 inch Pay Streak Finder and it could easily handle 2 people shoveling into it. It is easy to set up and being clear you can easily see that it is running correctly. The clean up is easy as well, just pull the drawer out leaving the classifier in place, dump it in a pan and put the drawer back and you are ready to run again. Pan out the concentrates to see how you are doing. You can do this as often as you like or you can run it all day long. The GreenMountain Gold Trap works great and we highly recommend it to any prospector, weather you are just starting out or you are a well seasoned sourdough. See how it works by clicking on the link below.

GreenMountain Gold Trap the Interview

We are keeping true to our word, as we had said that when we hit 500 followers on LBRY we would do another give away and this time we are giving away a 1oz silver bar so watch the video and see how to win. Click on the link below.


If you are not on LBRY yet click this link to join: https://lbry.tv/$/invite/@Appalachian-Prospectors:d

This is titled The Real Felix Pay Dirt Review because we had previously did a Felix Pay Dirt Review and as it turned out it was a fake, you can find that video also on LBRY, view it and do a comparison as to how it compared to the real thing.

As it goes for pay dirt I would just like to say you don’t do it for the return on your investment, you do it for practice at getting better at panning or you just do it because it is that time of year that you cannot get out to do any gold prospecting and you are jonesing, you do it for entertainment. If you want a return on your investment then buy gold from a precious metals dealer or an exchange.

But this is our latest video and Hillbilly John pans out a bag of Felix Pay Dirt, see the results and please let us know your thoughts by commenting on the video or this blog post. Please click on the link to view the video.


If you don’t have a LBRY account please think about getting one, You can earn LBRY credits just by viewing content as well as other incentives. Please except our invitation. https://lbry.tv/$/invite/@Appalachian-Prospectors:d

Back in May of 2019 we caught up with Joseph Maranville creator and producer of the GreenMountain Gold Trap, a fluid bed classifier a green technology and we must say we were very impressed with it. Watch video by clicking the link below.


LBRY has a very strong community called LBRY Social that I Prospector Jack am involved with a lot of great people and a lot of great content creators, a number of us got together and produced this video, check it out:


I know that it has been a while since we have posted anything here on our blog but we have been busy. We are still prospecting and we are still creating content, our last post was back in July of 2018 and it was about LBRY and this is kind of an update. This is our experience with LBRY.

First let me lay some ground work here. I Prospector Jack had started watching content on YouTube in it’s early days probably as early as 2007, I was drawn to it because there was and still is nothing but garbage on TV, I hated the commercials. The news is fake and has been since cable network news began in my opinion. YouTube in the early days had no commercials and I found a lot of interesting content. I watched a lot less TV and a lot more YouTube.

In 2011 we, Appalachian Prospectors started creating our own content for no other reason than to share with the world what we were passionate about and that is prospecting. Eventually the YouTube partner program came along where YouTube would pay content creators a very small percentage to show advertising on their videos, we excepted, why not make a little money. We later came to realize that people were making a living on YouTube, we thought maybe we could. How great would that be to make a living from what you are passionate about. We new it was a long shot since we were a small obscure channel with poor filming and editing skills but we worked at getting better. We got our first paycheck of $100 and we were ecstatic but a few days maybe even a week later we received an email stating that we were going to be demonetized due to the fact that we had under 1000 subscribers and we didn’t meet the minimal amount of annual watch time. I say that we were pretty angry with YouTube. YouTube moved the goal post, and continues to move the goal post today with censorship and demonetization. YouTube is now looking for more commercially viable content creators. That sounds a lot like TV.

We are still on YouTube but we are very glad that we have synced our channel to LBRY and we have been there since June of 2018. You Can read more about LBRY in our previous post. LBRY is a censorship resistant multi media protocol which means that it is not just limited to video, if it is in a digital file it can be uploaded which works well for us because you will find on our channel articles and reports on where gold has been found and mined in the past which is helpful to those who are looking for gold today. We will be posting many more of these to help prospectors find more gold and or gems and minerals. We will also be uploading scientific studies in the future. Besides our YouTube synced content we have created content exclusively on LBRY.

We have gained followers much more rapidly than we did on YouTube. As far as monetization LBRY is a blockchain protocol, LBC is it’s coin, if a viewer likes your content they will tip you LBC, also if viewers like your content they will support your channel or individual videos with LBC which helps in trending. We have had numerous videos trending in the top 5. Our channel is in the top 200 which is great for us. The potential for earning on LBRY is astronomical and far out weighs the earnings from YouTube in our case and would be for the case of any smaller channel and the channel that is just getting started. We see a very bright future on LBRY. We invite you to give LBRY a try and follow our channel: https://lbry.tv/$/invite/@Appalachian-Prospectors:d

The LBRY team is hard at work every day to make the protocol better and better. We have seen a lot of change since we began with LBRY, at first there was the desktop app and then the mobile app and now there is LBRY TV on the web. If you have any problems the team is always there ready to help and you get a one on one experience, you sure don’t get that on YouTube. Oh and I forgot to mention LBRY is commercial free.Give it a try, what do you have to lose? All we have experienced is gain.

Appalachian Prospectors Channel is now on LBRY!

So what does that mean you may ask. Another thing you may ask is what is LBRY. lbry-darkLBRY is a decentralized media platform built on the blockchain, which means the content creator is in control of their own material. A centralized platform is that the media entity is in control. An example of a centralized platform is You Tube, You Tube can at any time demonetize content as well as censor or remove content from a video to an entire channel. That can’t happen on LBRY. With LBRY there are no commercials, the content creator can set a fee for their content or make it free. LBRY is not only a video media outlet but it is multi media which hosts audio as well as print media as well as video games. The creator can upload videos, music or any other kind of audio file, e-books, essays, video games, if it is in a computer file it can be uploaded and the consumer can down load these.

Why would the consumer desire to use this application? Well for one as I said before there are no commercials, the consumer can support their favorite content creators. LBRY will pay credits to the consumer each week for its featured content for now. Imagine getting paid to watch a video.

LBRY in 100 Seconds

Give it a try, start watching videos, start uploading videos, you can even synchronize your You Tube Channel.  Get App Here: LBRY App

Please Check out our Channel: Appalachian-Prospectors Channel

Personally I Prospector Jack think that this is an awesome blockchain project with a current practical use. While LBRY is in it infancy stage I believe the project has a huge potential in that it gives the world a new option in sharing files of all types, which is awesome. Check it out, give it a try. If you have more questions about LBRY check out their FAQ page: LBRY/FAQ

Monday April 10, 2017 Oregon legislators pass SB3 which unfairly over regulates gold suction dredging. There was testimony submitted at the Senate Environment and Natural Resources Committee public hearing that shows the environmental impact of suction dredging on the environment and fish habitat is less than significant and that suction dredging also has a beneficial impact on the environment and fish habitat, scientific, peer reviewed studies were presented. This bill is designed to discourage suction dredging by placing a high financial burden on the dredger as well as restricting locations to dredge as well as other restrictions. Why is it that they don’t hear the truth, is it incompetence, is it corruption, is it the fact that they are blinded by lies? I really don’t know the answer but I can speculate. All legislation and regulation should be based on facts, scientific, peer reviewed facts and not on assumption, opinion, or conjecture. Even the opinion of a professional such as a college professor or a field biologist, may be the basis of a hypothesis, until that hypothesis is proven by science and peer reviewed is still nothing more than an opinion.

On Monday April 10, 2017 at the Senate vote there were 21 yea’s and 9 Nay’s. 9 Senators see the truth, Sen. Herman Baertschiger [R] is one of those senators that knows the truth and here is the video of his speech from April 10, 2017:


I just had to share this video. This video is from a television program out of Washington D.C. that airs weekly and it highlights the best green practices from around the World. This program is called The Inside Scoop Emerald Planet and if you go to the 30 minute mark on the video you will see that in this segment which aired on March 12, 2017 highlights small scale suction dredging as a best green practice and interviews Joseph Greene. Enjoy and please share. The entire video is great!

Video  —  Posted: April 11, 2017 in Gold Prospecting, Prospecting Equipment, Suction Dredging, Uncategorized
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